Department of Computer Science

Department of Computer Science

With Specialization in

Untitled design (38)
Artificial Intelligence
Untitled design (40)
Data Science
Untitled design (37)
Cloud Computing & Virtualization
Untitled design (39)
Mixed Reality (AR VR)

To be among top five well known department of Computer Science and Engineering in the state of Rajasthan in placing the students at premier industry.


To equip students with ability to be innovative and excellence to face the challenges in the digital world.


To prepare students with high quality employability skills catering to current trends in industries, problem solving skills, innovative pursuits and ready to face challenges in the domain and allied disciplines.


To provide ambience for entrepreneurship and start-ups through incubation center among students.


To encourage continuous faculty training on industry-based Development, and Innovation.


Engineering Graduates will be able to:

1Engineering knowledge:Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
2Problem analysis:Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3Design/development of solutions:Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
4Conduct investigations of complex problems:Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
5Modern tool usage:Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with and understanding of the limitations.
6The engineer and society:Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
7Environment and sustainability:Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
8Ethics:Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
9Individual and team work:Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10Communication:Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
11Project management and finance:Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12Life-long learning:Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


PSO1:Students will be able to design, develop, test, debug, deploy, analyse, troubleshoot, maintain, manage, and ensure security during the complete product lifecycle.
PSO2:Student will be able to apply software engineering/ information system development skills to solve problems across diverse domains.
PSO3:Students will be well-prepared to initiate and oversee innovative startups within their respective sectors.
Technical ProficiencyGraduates will have a strong foundation in core concepts, tools, and technologies relevant to their discipline.
Career DevelopmentGraduate will be capable of pursuing diverse career paths in field of Computer Science & Engineering with proficiency in software development/ pursue higher education and or become entrepreneurs.
Problem-SolvingGraduates will have a strong math foundation so that they will be proficient problem solvers, capable of identifying, analysing, and solving complex technical problems using critical thinking and creative approaches.
Professional AttitudeGraduates will be sensitive to societal and professional environment, possess strong communication skills and will be skilled in working collaboratively within diverse teams adhering to ethical standards and professional practices.
Learning EnvironmentTo create a learning environment that ensures graduates continue learning throughout their careers, effortlessly adopting new technologies to stay innovative in their chosen fields and remain effective contributors in their chosen field.

Industry Mentor

Mr. Lalit Yagnik

Ex. Director
IBM Australia

Sunil Nanda
Mr. Sunil Nanda

Ex. Director
Intel / NVIDIA India

Pankaj Porwal
Dr. Pankaj Porwal

Director – Data Science (DS/ML Labs)

Our Faculty

Untitled design (1)
Dr. Rimpy Bishnoi

Networks, Cyber Security

Untitled design (6)
Dr Giriraj Nyati

VLSI Expert
Ex COO , Secure Meter & Geneus Meter

Vivek Jain
Dr. Vivek Jain

VLSI & Image Processing

Mrs. Kirti Dashora

Data Structures & Algorithms

Akhilesh Arya
Akhilesh Deep Arya

AI & Machine Learning

Gaurav Kumawat

Android Application Developer

Naresh Mali
Dr. Naresh Mali

Machine Learning

Kalpana Fatawat
Dr. Kalpana Fatawat

Machine Learning / Computation

Nitin Kothari
Dr. Nitin Kothari

Digital Electronics

Drashti Dave

Computer Science & Engineering

Kriti Jain
Kriti Jain

Web Development

Yogendra Singh Solanki
Yogendra Singh Solanki


Aaditya Maheshwari
Aditya Maheshwari

Cloud Computing Virtualixation & Gen AI

NIkita Menaria
Nikita Menaria

Information Technology

Hitesh Sen
Hitesh Sen

Microprocessor/Digital Communication

Pankaj Chiitora

Computer Science

Deepti Gour

Data Science

Bharati Suhalka
Bharati Suvalka

Computer Science & Engineering

Anshita Dharmawat
Anshita Dharmawat

Web Development

Khushboo Sharma
Khushboo Sharma

Web Development

Gopal Kumar

Computer Science & Engineering

S. No Name Qualification Area of Specialization Designation
1 Dr Rimpy Bishnoi ME/M. Tech and PhD Network on Chips Professor
2 Dr Giriraj Nyati ME/M. Tech and PhD VLSI Professor
3 Dr Vivek Jain ME/M. Tech and PhD Image Processing Professor
4 Lalit Yagnik M.E/M.Tech Software Engineering Professor
5 Kirti Purswani M.E/M.Tech Computer Science & Engineering Associate Professor
6 Akhilesh Deep Arya M.E/M.Tech Computer Science & Engineering Associate Professor
7 Gaurav Kumawat M.E/M.Tech Computer Science & Engineering Associate Professor
8 Dr. Naresh MaliM.E/M.Tech and PhD Computer Science & Engineering Associate Professor
9 Dr Kalpana Fatawat MCA and PhD Machine Learning/Computation  Associate Professor
10 Nitin Kothari  M.Tech Digital Electronics  Associate Professor
11 Sunil Nanda MS Industry Projects Associate Professor
12 Drashti Dave M.E/M.Tech Computer Science & Engineering Assistant Professor
13 Kriti Jain M.E/M.Tech Computer Science & engineering Assistant Professor
14 Yogendra Singh Solanki M.E/M.Tech AI/VLSI Assistant Professor
15 Aditya Maheshwari M.Sc. (CA & IT) Cloud Computing Virtualixation & Gen AI Assistant Professor
16 Nikita Menaria M.Sc. (IT) Information Technology Assistant Professor
17 Hitesh Sen M.E/M.Tech Microprocessor/Digital Communication Assistant Professor
18 Pankaj Chiitora M.E/M.Tech Computer Science Assistant Professor
19 Deepti Gour M.E/M.Tech Computer Science & Engineering Assistant Professor
20 Bharati Suvalka M.Tech Computer Science & Engineering Assistant Professor
21 Anshita Dharmawat M Tech Computer Science & Engineering Assistant Professor
22 Khushboo Sharma M Tech Computer Science & Engineering Assistant Professor
23 Gopal Kumar Mtech Computer Science & Engineering Assistant Professor

Teaching Assistant (Lab-InCharge)

Mr. Pushpendra Singh Chundawat
Pushpendra Singh Chundawat
Adnan Pipawala
Adnan Pipawala

Java Web Development

Pooja Dave
Pooja Dave

Web Development (PHP)

Payal Patel
Payal Patel

Data Science

Akshat Bordia

Digital Marketing

Chandrashekhar Sharma
Chandrashekhar Sharma

Digital Marketing

Md Jahid

Network Admin

Lokesh Meghwal


S NoNameQualificationDesignation
1Pushpendra Singh chundawatB. TechTeaching Assistant
2Adnan PipawalaB. TechTeaching Assistant
3Pooja DaveB. TechTeaching Assistant
4Payal PatelB. TechTeaching Assistant
5Md JahidM.Sc.Teaching Assistant
6Akshat BordiaM B ATeaching Assistant
7Chandrashekhar SharmaDiplomaTeaching Assistant
8Lokesh MeghwalCCNATeaching Assistant